Bilateral Filtering


We are presenting our results from a presentation done at Marc Alexa's Computational Photography seminar at TU Berlin in November 2006. The aim of this project was to present a basic digital image processing technique, we have chosen bilateral filtering according to the paper of Tomasi and Manduchi - Bilateral Filtering for Gray and Color Images.


We are showing some results computed by our implementation with varying sigmaD and sigmaR. See our slides for more details, explanations of how the bilateral filter works and more images.


sigmaD = 3, sigmaR = 3

sigmaD = 6, sigmaR = 3

sigmaD = 12, sigmaR = 3

sigmaD = 12, sigmaR = 6

sigmaD = 15, sigmaR = 8


sigmaD = 3, sigmaR = 3

sigmaD = 6, sigmaR = 3

sigmaD = 12, sigmaR = 3

sigmaD = 12, sigmaR = 6

sigmaD = 15, sigmaR = 8



You may contact me at m.eitz at tu-berlin dot de